Clubman of The Year 2024 Brian Farndell

Clubman of the Year 2024 Brian Farndell

One of our founding members. Brian, a forces veteran (known as Seargeant Major) has helped members track their parents’ military history.

Brian’s having that ball!

Brian has always maintained an air of smartness.  On the first Portugal International tour (2016) Brian shared a room with Les. One side of the room (you know which!) was immaculately laid out in military style – the other side nowhere near as good.

Brian’s discipline shows in his ability to maintain his position in games where he is a stalwart, strong, but fair, defender. He also remains extremely fit and loves walking – you may well meet him on one of his regular weekly all-round Portsmouth walks.

Brian has a great sense of humour, and enjoys the camaraderie of the group – always enjoying the post session coffee time.

He and (ex-member) Steve Bialas make up the duo “The Sunset Shadows”. They always play an exhilarating set as the support act in our popular Rock and Roll evenings.

Within the Club, he is always ready to lend a helping hand with practical tasks in the community as well as the much needed, but less popular, general tidy up after sessions. This is always appreciated – doing small things for others, helps the club function more smoothly.

Brian loves playing the game and does not take it over-seriously. However, his loyalty and support for Portsmouth FC  as a long standing (and suffering)  season ticket holder is undying and serious.