Clubman of the Year 2022: Alan Stillwell

As always, the Committee looked to give this award to someone who is an inspiration to us all. It was a particularly  tough choice this year as we have a number of outstanding candidates who have over-come great difficulties and come out the other end with dignity and hope. At the heart of that is Our Club Portsmouth Walking Football. It has to be about Fun, Camaraderie, fitness and of course a game of footy, which most of us did not expect to be doing at this stage of our ‘Senior’ years.

Alan on his 85th birthday

The person who has brought all these attributes to our Club and absolutely epitomises ‘Walking Football’ whether playing Footy, telling a story or dancing the night away at our socials is a very special, inspirational person. Not only has he embraced our Club but at times one or two of us too!!!

This year (2022) Alan played in the Mallorca international tournament and before the game had said to the ref, “As I am 83, if you penalise me for running I deserve a medal”. Unknown to any of us the officials had decided to keep Alan to his word. On his first running offence, they stopped the game and presented Alan with his very own medal. A tremendous gesture, considering this was a serious elimination game. It certainly made Alan’s tournament and reflects on how much others take to him.
Sadly, Alan returned from playing in Mallorca diagnosed with a very grave illness and was rushed into hospital, needing an urgent major operation. Unbelievably he was back with us training and playing within a few weeks – Amazing!.

For someone who professes never to have played football, he has turned out to be a very tough opponent. Just try running into him – you invariably bounce off him without the ball. At 83, he’s a very tough guy and a sporting competitor !!
He always plays with a broad smile, a story or two and a good word for everyone. He is the most modest and unassuming person despite now being the most Senior member of our Club and a shining example to all of us. 
Congratulations and best wishes from your Pompey Band of Brothers.