About Us

Welcome to the Portsmouth Walking Football Club website.
We were founded in 2014 and we are an affiliated and “Accredited” FA Football Club.
We are also affiliated to The Walking Football Association.

Aims and Objectives of Portsmouth Walking Football Club
To provide for its members over the age of 50 regardless of gender, race, religion or ability:
1) A safe environment in which to play and be coached in Association walking football at a club base arranged by The Club/ Management Committee.
2) To take part in leagues, tournaments and friendly matches at other venues organised by other Walking Football Clubs, County Football Associations and the Walking Football Association
3) To promote walking football and sport as a means of enhancing health education and local community involvement, with people over the age of 50 acquiring sporting and personal skills from which they will derive long-term benefits of self-respect, self-esteem, self-confidence, integrity and respect for others
4) To ensure a duty of care to all members of the club.

We are based at Goals which is located by Portsmouth College on Tangier Road, PO3 6QA (just off the A2030 Eastern Road).

Monday and Thursday mornings between 11.00 and 12.00 all year round. (Arrive for 10:45am to allow time to warm up and select teams)
Sessions are open to those over 50 years of age (our current age range is between 50 and 84 years) and attract between 20 – 40 players to each session (depending on squads attending regular tournaments on any day).

We play on the Goals “Pro-turf” artificial pitches which are excellent surfaces and use either 5-a-side or 7-a-side pitches depending on numbers.

Wear what you are comfortable with but bring your reversible bib which will be provided for new members.
Recommended footwear is astro-trainers, though moulded boots are allowed on this surface.
Shin pads must be worn in all competitions and are strongly advised at sessions to ensure coverage by club insurance policies.

We enter several teams in local and national competitions for a range of age groups, but the overriding factor is to enjoy playing football and the camaraderie, as well as getting fitter.

All members are required to pay subs to help cover pitch and running costs when they play at sessions and in tournaments. Wherever possible, payments are made online into the Club bank account.
We operate a heavily discounted monthly standing order rate with virtually all members opting for this option. Members can pay for individual sessions, but this is more expensive.

Club Structure
The Club is run by a committee appointed at the AGM.

Honorary Posts:
Honorary President: Paul Allen  
Club Ambassador: Alan Knight MBE 

The Club Officers:
Chairperson: Alan Scott   
Secretary/Treasurer: Giorgio Colombi
Welfare Officer: David Hall  

They are supported by up to 8 additional Committee Members 

Competitive Teams and Managers:

70+ Roger Hostler

65+ David Hall, James McIlwaine

60+ Andy Olive, Ian Organ, James McIlwaine

50+ James McIlwaine

Trevor Mott: Additional teams across all the age groups

The Club enters local, regional, national and international tournaments and arranges friendlies against other clubs.

Social Events

Among social events held have been:

Skittles night,

Quiz Night,

Barn Dance,

Horse racing at Fontwell,

Football Golf,

as well as regular:

Rock and Roll Nights (with our own resident band),

Golf days,

Annual Club Christmas lunch.

Our Trophy Cabinet at Goals